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OpenLink SQL Server (TDS) Single-Tier ODBC Driver 5.1

OpenLink SQL Server (TDS) Single-Tier ODBC Driver 5.1

OpenLink SQL Server (TDS) Single-Tier ODBC Driver Publisher's Description

High-Performance ODBC Drivers provide transparent access to remote databases from any ODBC-compliant application. Desktop Productivity Tools (i.e., Spreadsheets, Word Processors, Presentation Packages, Desktop Databases, Personal Organizers, etc.), Client-Server Application Development Environments, Web-based Database Publishing Tools, and Computer Telephony Integration packages, are just a few of the many products that can take advantage of our standards compliance. Blistering Performance ODBC v1.0 through v3.5 Compliance ODBC Core, Level 1, Level 2, and Extensions support Client-based Scrollable Cursor Support Remote connections made via FreeTDS libraries (included), to which OpenLink personnel have contributed substantially Compatible with all versions of Microsoft SQL Server, 4.2 through 2000 Compatible with all versions of Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise), 4.2 through 12.x Compatible with Sybase ASA (Adaptive Server Anywhere, a/k/a SQL Anywhere), 5.5.03 and above

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